As you know, Toronto's CFZM carries old-time radio shows from 10 to 11 P.M. Eastern time each weeknight.
Tonight (July 23rd) at 10:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, they will carry the episode on which Jack the the gang parodied "The Treasure Of Sierra Madre".
CFZM is a 50,000-watt station at 740 on the AM dial; at night, their signal covers most of the Eastern portions of the United States and Canada. Outsdidfe that area, you can go to at 10:30 P.M. EDT tonight, click-on the "Listen Live" link, and enjoy the show!
First disclaimer: Some months back, CFZM changed the format of the weeknight old-time radio shows so that instead of featuring one show each weeknight for a week or two, they now spotlight different shows every weeknight. But they also spotlight shows more often. For instance, they now seem to run Jack Benny two or there times a month, even though it's one night at a time.
Second disclaimer: I don't work for CFZM nor know anyone who does. I just wanted to let you know that you can hear Jack tonight.