Jack On Toronto's CFZM Tonight (July 23rd)

This forum is for discussions of the radio and television programs done by Jack Benny

Jack On Toronto's CFZM Tonight (July 23rd)

Postby altfactor » Mon Jul 23, 2018 11:58 am

As you know, Toronto's CFZM carries old-time radio shows from 10 to 11 P.M. Eastern time each weeknight.

Tonight (July 23rd) at 10:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, they will carry the episode on which Jack the the gang parodied "The Treasure Of Sierra Madre".

CFZM is a 50,000-watt station at 740 on the AM dial; at night, their signal covers most of the Eastern portions of the United States and Canada. Outsdidfe that area, you can go to http://www.zoomerradio.ca at 10:30 P.M. EDT tonight, click-on the "Listen Live" link, and enjoy the show!

First disclaimer: Some months back, CFZM changed the format of the weeknight old-time radio shows so that instead of featuring one show each weeknight for a week or two, they now spotlight different shows every weeknight. But they also spotlight shows more often. For instance, they now seem to run Jack Benny two or there times a month, even though it's one night at a time.

Second disclaimer: I don't work for CFZM nor know anyone who does. I just wanted to let you know that you can hear Jack tonight.
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