Jack Tonight (July 19th) On Toronto's CFZM

This forum is for discussions of the radio and television programs done by Jack Benny

Jack Tonight (July 19th) On Toronto's CFZM

Postby altfactor » Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:51 am

Wanted to let you know that Toronto's CFZM will rebroadcast a "Jack Benny Program" episode tonight (July 19th) at 10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time.

As you know, they rebroadcast classic radio shows weeknights from 10 to 11 P.M. Eastern time; however, when Brian Peroff left the station (and the "Theatre Of The Mind" show, which he hosted), a major change was made to the program (which is now introduced by Frank Proctor).

Previously, episodes of the same series would be rebroadcast each weeknight for at least one week, usually two weeks, and rarely (but usually only done for Jack Benny) for three straight weeks. But now, there are different shows rebroadcast each weeknight.

The bad news if that they no longer rebroadcast shows for a couple of weeks at a time; the good news is that they've been recently rebroadcasting Jack Benny three or four times a month for one night at a time, so fans of Jack who listen to "Theatre Of The Mind" usually have to wait only a week or two between episodes of their all-time favorite old-time radio show.

CFZM is a 50,000-watt AM station whose nighttime signal covers most of the Eastern portions of the United States and Canada. Beyond that area, you can go to http://www.zoomerradio.ca , click-on "Listen Live" at 10 P.M. Eastern time tonight, and enjoy!

Usual disclaimer: I don't work for CFZM not know anyone who does. I found this information on their website.
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