Jack This Week (April 25th-29th) On Toronto's CFZM

This forum is for discussions of the radio and television programs done by Jack Benny

Jack This Week (April 25th-29th) On Toronto's CFZM

Postby altfactor » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:34 pm

Just wanted to let you know that Toronto's CFZM is rebroadcasting classic episodes of "The Jack Benny Program" this week, each evening through Friday (April 29th) at 10:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time.

CFZM is a 50,000o-watt station whose nighttime signal can be heard across most of the eastern portions of the United States and Canada; beyond this area, you can go to http://www.zoomerradio.ca , and click the "Listen Live" link at the appropriate time and enjoy!

Usual disclaimer: I don't work for CFZM nor know anyone who does. But I did find out about this and wanted to let everyone know.
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