Jack On "When Radio Was" Next Monday (April 20th)

This forum is for discussions of the radio and television programs done by Jack Benny

Jack On "When Radio Was" Next Monday (April 20th)

Postby altfactor » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:27 pm

This coming Monday (April 20th), "When Radio Was" will rebroadcast the April 9th, 1950 episode of "The Jack Benny Program" ("Jack Gives Money To A Panhandler").

"When Radio Was" is nationally syndicated, but the best bet for listening in the eastern two-thirds of the United States is Chicago's 50,000-watt WBBM (780 on your AM dial), where the show will air on Tuesday, April 21st (late the evening of April 20th) at 1:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time (12:05 A.M. Central time).

Additionally, the show will be available for listening online at the show's website (http://www.whenradiowas.com) for up to a week after broadcast.

Usual disclaimer: I don't work for either "When Radio Was" or WBBM, or know anyone who does. But I found out of this show, and wanted to let you know about it.
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Location: Norwood (Boston), MA

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