Jack On "When Radio Was" This Monday (October 6th)

This forum is for discussions of the radio and television programs done by Jack Benny

Jack On "When Radio Was" This Monday (October 6th)

Postby altfactor » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:35 pm

Just saw on the "When Radio Was" website that the syndicated series will rebroadcast the October 9th, 1938 episode of "The Jack Benny Program" (featuring a "Yellow Jack" movie spoof) this coming Monday, October 6th.

While "When Radio Was" is nationally-syndicated, the best best to hear the show is on Chicago's 50,000-watt WBBM (780 on the AM dial), whose nighttime signal can be heard across much of North America.

The show will air on WBBM at 1:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time October 7th (12:05 A.M. Central Time), or in other words, late in the evening of October 6th.

Usual disclaimer: I don't work for "When Radio Was" or WBBM, but I saw this on the show's website and I wanted to let you all know.

By the way, you can listen to the show up to a week after it airs (or through Monday, October 13th) on the show's website, http://www.whenradiowas.com .

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