Jack Benny Podcast Best of Bidy (Mancel) Talcott

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Jack Benny Podcast Best of Bidy (Mancel) Talcott

Postby Jack Benny » Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:27 pm

Don't think anyone has ever done a tribute to Bidy Talcott before, but we did with a new interview!

Jack Benny Podcast 1937-03-21, 1938-05-08, 1939-06-25, and 1940-12-15 Best of Bidy (Mancel) Talcott with Interview (Buck and Crazy Captain Steven)
Your pal,
Buck Benny

My OTR Podcast - Each day, OTR shows from exactly 50, 60, and 70 years ago --> http://jack_benny.podomatic.com/
Jack Benny
Posts: 471
Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:30 am

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